AxioSnapMount Shop

Our simple solution for a time intensive and elaborate way.

The unique 3D print technology.

A combination of hardware and software by using a modified classical articulator,
which completed and closed the gap in the digital workflow.

AxioSnapMount SAM Amann Girrbach - Digital model mounting - Printed model in artikulator

What is AxioSnapMount?

  The finial step

The first bridge from intraoral scan to the printed 3D models without plaster or inaccurate mini articulators.
AxioSnapMount the solution for 3D scan models for dental medical.
way to use printed models.
Until now, printed models from intraoral scans could only be aligned and articulated to each other in an intermediate way or via an analogue facebow with a corresponding bite registration.
AxioSnapMount has created a way to carry out a digital workflow digitally from start to finish.


How does it works?

The process is a well-known procedure.
It is possible to import *.stl or *.ply file from
your scan software you are using.


Why modify my files?
Vary the heights of your scan file to optimise your printable models and chooce the perfect combination of spacer block and mounting plate and your model.


Who is the patient ? When did I generate the models?

Add name, date, articulator, spacer block heights and mounting plate heights in your print file in AxioSnapMount. It’s easy to allocate your models to the right patient.

AxioSnapMount SAM Amann Girrbach - Digital model mounting - Printed model in artikulator


What is the next step ?

Print you files in your own 3D printer or send it to your selected print shop.
Enjoy the benefits of this evolution of digital workflow with AxioSnapMount.


Use your system and expand it for new possibilities.

Amann Girrbach Artex Carbon is now also supported.
Many more systems will follow…


Axiosnapmount Downloads

To use AxioSnapMount software, you need a license key.
If you do not have one, visit our
software shop.

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